You may have wondered where I have been. After fighting off a flu back in April that lingered for several weeks, I took a bit of extra time off to recuperate and do some long needed planning regarding my blog, my website, the knitting patterns, my writing in general, my fine art paintings and photography ... to mention a few items on my mind. I have also had some on again, off again computer problems over the past two years that have been quite annoying at times and during my recuperation I had to deal with that.
With a very reliable, brand new computer securely on my lap I am ready to begin writing to you, my reader, once again. Doing so, I feel at once as if I have returned home after a long time away.
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I always have the feeling when I begin a blog that I am genuinely sitting down with a good friend, having a cuppa joe, perhaps a cookie or something tasty, and enjoying a pleasant chat. As I begin to write I feel my shoulders relax just as they do when a good friend drops by and we sit down to visit for a while. Sigh. It is so sweet.

As I write this blog, I will share recent photos I shot of my wonderful antique Tree Peony -- I just shot these photos three or four days ago when her blooms were at their most delicate moment of perfection. There are also some shots of other varieties of Tree Peonies I shot at Linwood Gardens this past Saturday during their annual Tree Peony Festival. At one point, while I was photographing the peonies at Linwood Gardens, I told my husband there was so much beauty I felt I was going to pass out. A lady nearby heard me say it and said, "Yes!"
Another lady nearby was also photographing the blooms and I heard her gasp, just as I gasp over and over gain when I am focusing my lens on the spectacular blossoms. As we made out way through the gardens I heard more and more people gasping in just the same way as they focused their cameras. Oh dear me, their beauty just takes your breath away and it is so very, very fleeting it makes everything within me ache.

I am so thrilled with the photographs I have shot of my peony over the past five years, and now of the peonies at Linwood Gardens, that I have decided to work quickly and diligently to make professional quality fine art prints of the best I have selected out of hundreds and hundreds of photos I have shot. I went through them in meticulous detail over the past few days and selected twenty four or so of my very favorite shots, and I have ordered samples of half of them for my review before I put them up for sale at Etsy.
Hopefully I will have the samples within three or four days -- they will be printed at a professional lab on Kodak Endura Metallic paper and hopefully will be quite amazing. I will let you know how that goes as soon as I can. Hopefully, anyone who does buy one will gasp when they see look at their own print for the first time. I want so much to share the astounding beauty I have had the pleasure of beholding, and if I can make others gasp when they see the photographs I know I will have accomplished just that.
Now on to news related specifically to my blog and all of the other items I listed in that first paragraph above.

My husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary at the end of April, which means this August will be the fifth anniversary of my blog. Isn't that something, that I have known you for so long. When I wrote my first blog post on
August 2, 2006 I had no idea where it would lead me. It is funny how things come full circle though, because I started my blog on a suggestion from
my son. And now, five years later, he has started his new business which has an overlap with my business that grew out of my blog. Neither one of us planned it that way, but it is interesting how it has all worked out.
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Something I have decided to do, and I think the five year anniversary is a good time to do it, is I am going to consolidate my blog and my website into one online destination. The url will be
www.ILiveonaFarm.com, which of course already exists. But, sometime in August I will release the brand new look, feel, and functionality of ILiveonaFarm.com with the blog incorporated into it.
This blog, the first five years, will remain right where it is. I had thought of transferring it all off of Wordpress and over to ILiveonaFarm.com, but I think that would be a mistake. All of this content, located here on Wordpress for people to find, is important. It is the history of what has happened in our lives and with our evolving publishing business. I don't want to disturb it or move it and possibly lose contact with some people who might come back and wonder where it all went.

Once the new website is launched, you will go there to follow new blog posts but you can always refer back to this one for earlier content, knitting patterns, recipes, etc.
The new website is going to solve a problem for me and that is the fact that as things have evolved and meandered along here, I have ended up with a cumbersome assortment of websites, Etsy stores, and blogs to manage featuring my several different ventures -- the blog,
my fine art paintings and photography, my knitting patterns, my two Etsy stores (one for
knitting patterns, the other for
art). And then there is Facebook and Twitter, which any serious online business person seems to need to involve themselves with these days. It is quite a bit to manage, all very time consuming--especially considering that I am on a satellite connection which is not as fast as high speed Internet, no matter what the commercials say.

The new website will bring all of these elements together under one roof, so to speak. Plus, it will be easy to tie in
my son's designs and Etsy store as well as photography and publishing from other members of the family. It will all be cohesive and, I hope, even more inspiring than what we have been done so far. By bringing everything together the way we plan to, I should be able to devote more time to writing, painting, photography, designing/knitting, and cooking ... which will of course make you much happier and keep you much more satisfied and engaged.
That is my hope. These are my dreams.
There are some very cool things coming up the pike. I hope you will enjoy them all!
Best wishes to you and yours, from me and mine.