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Sunday as we pulled into the long circular drive around the house toward the back yard, my husband noticed deer tracks leading to a little tree we just planted this past autumn. It was a beautiful day with blue skies and big clouds, so we decided to have a walk around the place to check out what damage the deer(s) may have caused. It was also a great opportunity to do some photography and play with Blu.
While I grabbed the camera, my husband fetched this very large ball we gave Blu for Christmas out of the garage. It is too large to play with in the house, but it is perfect for having a romp in the snow. We kicked the ball around as we made our way back toward the willow, Blu played with it along the way.
I especially loved the interesting shadows on the snow, cast by bare branched trees. I caught myself gazing at them here and there, getting lost in sort of a blank day dream state. I knew the snow was going to disappear on Monday because the local temperature was supposed to get up into the high 40's (as it turned out, Monday's temperature topped 60). I wasn't sure if we would be significantly white with snow again this year, so I wanted to take in as much lingering beauty as I could. (Of course, it is Wednesday as I write this and I look outside at a newly white-powdered world with snow blowing in thick, fine foggy clouds ... I love when that happens.)
Tomorrow it will be up around 40 again and today's snow will disappear but more will come in the days that follow, and that will melt, and so and so on until spring arrives for good. Much as I cherish winter and snow days, I do feel the excitement of approaching spring. I lived so many years of my life knowing what it is like to have different seasons (from my childhood) but not being able to experience them (in Los Angeles) so that now in Western New York I relish the electric tingle in my soul that comes with changing seasons.
Ah, seasons. They do exist, they do come, they do go, there is change and I love it throughout my very being. Life is sweet.
My husband and Blu started having a snowball fight, which I was fortunate enough to catch on camera. Blu is not very adept at making and throwing snowballs, but man oh, man can he catch them. He is dedicated to the game with a spirit that is admirable, willing to throw his body up and down, this way and that ... anything to make a good catch. And catch the snowballs he does.
But, every once in a while he gets it in the face, "Blam!" That's okay; he doesn't seem to mind.
Yesterday and today I have been going through many, many photographs from the past two years and selecting those I want to create paintings from. I am anxious to get going on more of the post card size "daily paintings" I do, as well continuing on with the large paintings for the restaurant.
I still plan to publish the knitting pattern for the Cozy Toes socks this week, so do not despair if you are waiting for that. I have also start making a hand knit Christmas stocking of my own design. The knitting book I plan to publish by early fall will be Christmas stocking patterns primarily, so this stocking I am in the midst of is the first for that purpose. Of any project I have ever knit, I believe Christmas Stockings are my most favorite of all. They are perfect to give as gifts and tend to be treasured by those who receive them plus they are affordable knitting projects that can be tackled even by beginning knitters.
I suppose I will have to end off now, as there is much work to do and the day is slipping by.
Hope the weather is pretty where you are, what ever "pretty" is for you.
Copyright © 2008 J.L. Fleckenstein ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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