I live on a farm ...
Finding Gratitude

This is an exerpt from a blog post I wrote back in 2006, perhaps inspiring or helpful during the difficult days of experiencing a pandemic ... ...About that same time I started hearing and reading inspiring stories of people who had hit the bottom in their lives for one reason or another and who discovered the power of gratitude at their lowest point. In each case, gratitude discovered and embraced was a key ingredient in each person’s situation turning around for the better. That got me thinking, but I wasn’t sure what to do with what I was thinking about....
New life on the farm
agriculture art autumn colors blogging country living culture family farm farm life farming free knitting patterns gardening green health home inspiration knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships shopping thoughts travel Upstate New York women yarn
This summer was a very busy season around our farm. We are in the midst of converting our farmland from leased cash-crop acreage to pasture managed by us. That might sound simple enough but it requires cutting, mowing, fencing, draining, digging, and budgeting, planning, etc. and not necessarily in that order. We are hosting a small herd of Black Angus cattle and have so far fenced in 12 acres of land for grazing. Over the next few years we plan to expand the fenced in land to 40 acres and the herd to 40. So, that has been exciting. Now that we...
Return of the firefly
What a winter. I love winter, I love snow, and I am not one of those people who become impatient for winter to be over about as quickly as it begins. I do not even get tired of winter when it is half or two thirds over. Of course, living in the Los Angeles area for 36 years gave me more than my fill of seemingly endless summer, relentless sunshine, 85 degree holiday seasons, and miserable heat waves. Some people love that kind of thing, but I am not one of those people. That having been said, I am enjoying...
The handmade gift
children Christmas craft crafting design gift idea gifts handmade holiday inspiration knitting Life love making photography women
And this is where I speak to you from my heart, again
art blogging country life country living domestic violence faith family free knitting patterns hat patterns home inspiration knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships spirituality Thanksgiving Upstate New York women yarn
Snow. It has been falling steady all morning. I knit, and write, and I sip hot cocoa. This kind of cozy, relaxing morning is fulfilling to the soul. The world is very quiet on a snow day. Watching the steady flow of softly falling flakes can be mesmerizing, leading to deep thoughts and philosophical contemplations. At least, that is how it is for me. This morning the snow along with the and the contemplation that comes with knitting have worked together to lead my mind to you, dear reader. I have known many of my readers for a little more...