I had determined not to talk about this, but I changed my mind because telling you what I am about to tell you might help someone who reads my blog. So, here goes.
I am doing Weight Watchers, the online program. I am not particularly into diets, and favor instead lifestyle changes as being the only really viable means of addressing weight and health related issues. I was nice and trim when we got married five years ago, but each year since I have put on an average of five pounds which usually happens over the winter months (big surprise). Don't want to talk about it, but I'm doing so out of consideration for any of my readers who may be experiencing something similar and who, like me, might want to turn that boat around.
In the spring of 2010, dissatisfied with my new weight at that time, I somewhat confronted the issue and started eating better and I cut off about six pounds by the beginning of summer. It wasn't great weight loss, but it felt good. Unfortunately, I was a little to happy with the results and did not lose anything else. This winter the six pounds I lost in the spring returned and brought a few of their friends with them. About a month ago I knew I needed to return to something that had, in the past, yielded better and long lasting results so, I typed in "www.weightwatchers.com" into my browser address bar.

I am very happy I did so, because their latest version of their program is very easy to follow and easy to live with. It is also structured in a way to promotes workable lifestyle changes rather than anything drastically different. The only issue I have with their program is that I disagree with limiting people to two servings of protein per day. From my own personal experience, two servings of protein a day does not promote healthy metabolism. The cool thing, however, is that with the way their program works now if you want to eat more protein you can do so and still stay within their point system -- you just have to figure things out correctly and try to use less "expensive" carbohydrates in your meal and snack planning to make room for the points that protein selections will take up.

Back in 2003, while still living in Los Angeles, I did Weight Watchers online and it worked pretty well. I lost about two pounds per week steadily until I had lost twenty pounds total. Then I stalled, and I had trouble feeling motivated to go further. A month or two after my stall, my daugther asked me to do the Zone diet with her. She needed to do it for her metabolism, not to lose weight. I decided to do it to be supportive of her and I was really happy I did. That's when I found out how much better I felt if I had protein with each and every meal and snack, and I learned to have three medium sized meals and two snack sized meals per day to help keep my metabolism on an even keel. Doing the Zone diet and going on walks with my mother in the evenings, I lost another 24.5 pounds and I also felt wonderful. I stopped eating dairy products and all refined grains and sugars and I increased my protein intake (which had always been a challenge before, as I am vegetarian) by using some of the great new (at the time) soy-based products that had become available.
Until I moved to Upstate New York, to the farm, I kept that weight off. However, being in a colder climate, writing a blog that includes sharing recipes and photos of baked goods (I love to bake), and attending a church where people do love their pot-luck dinners and coffee hours all added up to my weight going back up again.
I'm not having it anymore, I'll tell you that right now. Enough is enough, and 25 pounds is too much.
I am enjoying doing Weight Watcher's online, and have lost eight pounds so far. My husband and I have started taking walks together, which is a wonderful bonus. I am already feeling much, much better physically and emotionally. My spirits are lifted, and I believe I can get this new lifestyle on a farm in upstate New York under control to where I no longer have those winters of gaining a few pounds in cuddly comfort.
And, I will share my weight loss wins with you here in case anyone out there wants to do something similar and would like the moral support. We are, all of us, beautiful and divine creatures and our physical form can be reflective of that fact. I will also continue to share recipes and photos of pretty foods but they are likely to be more on the healthy side and designed to inspire others to celebrate good health more than they celebrate beautiful foods.

Something delicious I discovered a few days ago was that I could cover my Cuisinart Griddler with sliced mushrooms, close the cover, and in a few minutes have grilled mushrooms that are very flavorful and beautiful to behold -- but lack the olive oil (and calories) I would have used to saute them previously. I toss them on a salad along with chunks of grilled extra-firm tofu I marinated in soy sauce and rubbed lightly with olive oil. The mushrooms and tofu add a delicious layer of flavor as well as protein to make a filling, healthy meal that sets me up for a nice energetic walk a little later.
I hope my honesty and willingness to share on this subject is helpful to you, my friends.
As for knitting, I completed one of the slouchy toddler socks I designed for Sweet Pea, and am on my way knitting the second one. I will be writing up the pattern for publishing within the next week or so. These look so cute on her, because the legs are made a little wide so that they are chunky and do a little bit of slouching. They'll be great for the fall and winter, keeping her feet and legs warm when cold drafts are in the air. I am making these from yarn left over from her Christmas stocking, which I made ... wow, almost two years ago. This is FootNotes sock yarn from my favorite yarn artist, Kimber Baldwin of Fiber Optic Yarns. She does these low-contrast colorways in hues that I just tend to love, love, love. The sock pattern will be available soon as its done in my
knitting-related Etsy store or directly from my

By the way, in the sock photo, there is a little bear I needle felted some time ago. Some years ago while sketching I created some pretty little characters -- teddy bears with little costumes, wings, and then a little beaded headband that was supposed to serve as a halo of sorts. I called them Wish Bears at the time, and later called them Moon Bears so as not to intrude on the Care Bear trademark (there is a Wish Bear in the Care Bear series of characters). Recently my grand daughter saw some little cards I had made with a variety of my characters printed on them and she fell in love with the little bears. She dubbed them "Princess Fairy Bears", and it revitalized my interest in doing something with them some time.
It will be fun, when she is older, to create a cast of the characters as needle felted sculptures, much like the one photographed here. She is too young for them now, because at two and half years old, she handles them a little too roughly and they can't hold up to that kind of play. What fun it will be though to create some more drawings and paintings of the little sweet characters, write more stories featuring them, and do the needle felted sculptures for her as well. I don't have any of the images of the drawings and paintings on my current computer, but at some point I will find some of those images and share them so you all can see how much the needle felted sculpture favors the actual drawing of one of the bears.
Such fun.
News of what is happening with my son's Etsy store, Flying Junction: He is featured for the next few weeks in the very cool, very stylish online curated handmade market,
Poppy Talk Handmade. The theme of this exhibit is "On The Road"; his vintage-inspired NYC (and other cities) subway roll signs and bus scroll prints were chosen because they represent the places people travel to and through while on the road. His custom signs are also a beautiful and classy way to commemorate life's markers -- places where special events took place, landmarks that create a particular feeling of nostalgia, and neighborhoods you grew up in, worked in, visited or dreamed of visiting. The custom signs are made using his unique, careful reproductions of hand lettering from original NYC subway roll signs and include the wonderful distressed-look finishing touch that is a trademark of his beautiful work.
And now on to my "garden". Two or three years ago a friend of my husband's from work gave him three unknown plants she bought at a plant sale. He brought them home and planted them out along the west wall of our old garage foundation, which seems to be the chosen spot for orphaned and adopted random plants and trees people give us. The following year, one of the mystery plants turned out to be a lily of some kind and gave us one or two pretty blossoms. The next year, we got a few more blossoms. Well, this year we have two four-foot tall lily plants that were loaded with buds. They finally blossomed recently and the blossoms were so healthy and beautiful it caught my breath when my husband cut one to bring in the house for little Sweet Pea. She danced with joy, and I gasped in delight. A day or so later I got out there with my camera on a somewhat overcast day and did some photography that I was very pleased with. I have posted prints of one of the best photos for sale in my
fine art Etsy store, and will add a couple more shortly.
I suppose this will conclude today's blog post. If you didn't read the post from earlier this week, it is brief and you will find it directly under this post.