She weighs less than seven little pounds today. The touch of her tiny little hand is soft as a raindrop, her voice quiet as a cooing dove. I cherish the sound of her here and there as she is carried through the house, cared for, rocked, loved, changed, soothed, and fed.
She is a precious new addition to our family, this granddaughter of ours, but she is more than that. She is a member of the future of our little blue planet ... I wonder what her place will be, what kind of impact she will make.
Less than three weeks ago she made her entrance into this world and into our lives and hearts. She brought with her magic, peace, and grace. She brought these things so quietly, the big old world did not take notice. That is as it should be for now, child of my child.
I look at her hands, her delicate fingers and I wonder: we are artists and creators, what will she be? Will she paint, sew, cook, heal? What role will she play in life as her life plays through. Will those tiny little hands someday drive a tractor on this farm? How many kittens and puppies will her hands pet and feed? Will she write? How many hats will those hands pick up and place on her head to wear?
It is exciting to see a new life and to realize it is all there ahead of her, yet to be discovered and experienced. There is no rush, no disappointment, no worry. She is an infant just days into the journey of her life, the river that is the power of her life has just begun to flow and meander. Where will it lead?
My daughter and I speak of the many creative things we will do for and with little Sweet Pea. We will make her many things, and teach her anything she wishes to learn so long as we have the knowledge.

I believe very strongly in not having designs on where a child's life will lead them. As a parent, I felt strongly that my role was to support, care for, nuture, love, and protect my children but not ever to try to mold them to my dreams and wishes. I wanted them to create and follow their own dreams and wishes, and tried as best I could to help them get there if I could.
Winnie-the-Pooh has emerged as a major player in Sweet Pea's life so far. Pooh, Piglet, Eyeore, and Tigger have been showing up on everything from shower plates to nightgowns, hats, blankets, and diapers. Our cup runneth over with Pooh and Friends and Days of Hunny. I ordered a set of vintage Pooh books from a bookseller at eBay so that we will have them on hand to read aloud to Sweet Pea when she visits with us during her childhood days.
I have already begun reading the first of the Pooh books to her ... strange, I never read Winnie-the-Pooh before. (You think you know a dear character like Pooh all your life, and then find out you had never actually been properly introduced.) We have made it through Chapter Four, In Which Eyeore Loses His Tail and Pooh Finds One (perhaps paraphrased) this morning. She listens and watches me when I read to her already and she is not even a full three weeks old quite yet.
Oh my, what fun the future holds.

Sweet Pea, I am your grandma and I hear you in the other room. Your quiet little chirps and hiccups are too dear for words. You have a sweet nature and you are loved so very, very much. I will be here for you as long as I can, and I will do anything I can, within the the realms of what you want from me, to help you find and reach your dreams. I wish you and your peers a world of increasing love and peace. I love you, my little Sweet Pea.