It started snowing yesterday afternoon at about four, but it didn't stick much at all. It snowed more last night and during the night, again not sticking. But this morning it started snowing again while it was still dark out and it did begin to stick. The power flicked on and off several times and our Internet connection left us completely for many hours. It on right now, and the sun is actually coming and going. We got a few inches of snow, and it is out there melting quickly.
I have been out on three photo journeys this morning, taken the Beagle out for a couple of yard runs, washed dishes, made a big pot of extra special lentil soup, cooked some rice, and made a loaf of pumpkin walnut bread ... it is baking at this very moment.
I wanted to take a minute while the snow is interrupted to write a brief blog. I will be back to my regular blog on Monday morning complete with recipes for today's cooking because I think you would enjoy trying them out when winter arrives wherever you are. The smell of the soup is everywhere in the house, and the wonderful smell of baking pumpkin bread is beginning to mingle with it. The world outdoors is wonderful and glorious as bright white snow is lit up by sunshine against a background of dark and threatening clouds beyond. The trees are still bedecked in brilliant autumn colors, creating an amazing contrast with the colors of winter brought on by this early snow.
My husband came home from work several hours early, because they lost power. So, I will go join him in the living room and do some knitting while he reads the paper. It is a beautiful world.
Talk to you soon,